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Traveller5 is the 5th edition of the Traveller science-fiction role-playing game system. Technically, there have been more than four previous editions, but 5th edition was selected because Traveller5 traces its roots to Imperium Games' 4th edition.

Traveller5 is currently in beta, with a comprehensive set of pdf game rules available on CDROM from FFE Far Future Enterprises.

Traveller5 is designed by Marc Miller, the designer of Classic Traveller.

Traveller5 Design Concepts

Five defined Traveller5 Design Concepts guided the game design process:

  • Universal Rules Application
  • Adherence to Canon
  • Rules Independent Adventures
  • Replication of Science-Fiction Literature
  • RDME

Traveller5 Game Rules Overview

The core Traveller5 game rules are 30-some chapters addressing the essentials (and more) of science-fiction role-playing.

Traveller5 Availability

The Traveller5 game system is currently available in beta. Upon completion of the beta playtest process, Traveller5 will be produced as a printed hardcopy core game rules set and an eBook edition.

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