The Traveller5 Game Rules

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The core Traveller5 game rules are 30-some chapters addressing the essentials (and more of science-fiction role-playing.

Chapter 01 Preliminaries

Chapter 02 Introductions

Chapter 03 CharGen- Characteristics

Chapter 04 CharGen- Chapter

Chapter 05 CharGen- Careers

Chapter 06 CharGen- Charts

Chapter 07 CharGen- Clones Chimeras Synthetics Genetics

Chapter 08 Tasks

Chapter 09 Skills

Chapter 10 The Senses

Chapter 11 Personals

Chapter 12 QREBS

Chapter 13 Personal Combat

Chapter 14 Gunmaker

Chapter 15 ArmorMaker

Chapter 16 VehicleMaker

Chapter 17 Personal Combat- Additional

Chapter 18 Starports

Chapter 19 Starship Design

Chapter 20 Starship Combat

Chapter 21 Sectors and Subsectors

Chapter 21a Sector Map 6600 x 8400 (JPG)

Chapter 21b Sector Map 5500 x 6600 (JPG)

Chapter 21c Subsector Map 2400 x 3000 (JPG)

Chapter 22 Star Systems and Worlds

Chapter 23 Terrain

Chapter 24 Mapping

Chapter 25 Mapping- Blank World Maps

Chapter 26 Technology

Chapter 27 Trade and Commerce

Chapter 28 Computers

Chapter 29 Psionics

Chapter 30 Sophonts

Chapter 31 Appendices

Chapter 32 Font Layouts

Personal tools